Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sofra Cambridge

Tonight, I wanted to walk around Cambridge and have nice bite to eat. After driving around Harvard Square for 30 minutes, none of my usually parking spots panned out, so I went back towards Watertown where I had seen Sofra (in the old package store on the boarder of Cambridge and Watertown).

I started with the Green Apple and Rose water beverage. This was a bright green delight that tickled your taste-buds. I then had a heirloom tomato soup with cream. You could taste and see the fresh tomatoes in this simple but hearty soup. The freshly made thin crisps were a super compliment to the soup. I also had the three cheese spinach flat bread sandwich. This had great sweet spinach and a tangy cheese flavor combo. My only challenge was the spinach was in big pieces so there was a little biting and pulling action that could have a problem if I wasn’t trying very hard not to spill.

This cafe is part of the larger family of formal dinning, CSA farming, bakery, a book with the talented Ana Sortun. I will making a trip to the restaurant and checking out the book very soon.

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