My coffee maker is incontinent. So this, like all matters of small spills, is a delicate matter. My coffee maker (that I'm guessing is from my last Brooklyn house) is at least 15 years old. Well, when it is done brewing that magic black gold for morning, it gives a big sigh and the part with the cone flies open and I get a dribble on the counter. Well, now I think it is time to upgrade.
So, do tell what kind of coffee maker do you have? Do you love it? I know that a few of you have been through a number of different selections, so give me the dish.
Here are a few that I'm considering:

Hamilton Beach BrewStation:
Nick and Alysa have this type and they really enjoy it! I like the idea of not having the warming plate to burn the coffee.

Braun-- Like I have now but upgraded:
I like the idea of the filter for the water. I also would like to wake up with the coffee made. Go with what you know can work.