Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tomato Soup-The Can

So my love of tomato soup is not just about what you can get a restaurant, I love the soup that you can eat at home. I tasted, many,many, many canned soups (Campbell's (made with water and milk), Amy's, Progresso, Foodtown, Trader Joe's, and 365 Everyday are just the ones I remember) but the clear winner that you want to have a on cold day with your grilled cheese is........Muir Glen.

Hearty Tomato Soup

1 comment:

Thom said...

Hate to say, it, but this canned soup was the best I've ever had (better even than some non-canned tomato soups). I am devoted to Muir Glen for all of my organic canned tomatoes--I buy it by the case, whole, diced, paste. Thanks for bringing it to us!