I must confess, I'm not a huge fan of Kale. This summer has been a challenge since I've had weekly deliveries of the green curly veggie. I've tried it sauteed with garlic, then cooked with chicken broth with some lemon and honey. But, since it is getting a little cool, I took my sister's recommendation to have it in Miso soup. I even had some frozen tofu to add to the mix. It was pretty good, but I think I'll try a Portuguese Kale Soup if (or when) I get my Kale this week.
It's great in caldo verde, although I find that the soup is enhanced if you've got some chorizo, potatoes and garlic along with the kale. Also a good quality olive oil.
I've never actually cooked with kale so I share your confession :)
I have a load of Tuscan Kale aka Black Kale growing at my allotemtn plot, I have been lookign for ideas of how to use it, this soup looks interesting. Who knows, I might even give it a go! With or without tofu...
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