Sunday, September 13, 2009

Festival of Leftovers

In my efforts to save money and use up the stray items in my pantry, refridgerator, and/or freezer, I have a festival of leftovers. The frequency of the festival depends on how well I have managed my food allocation. Sometimes it is the small container of that great dish from last night. Others it is a freestyle cook, I take a main item, like Thai Green Curry Simmer Sauce (from Trader Joe's). I took a fresh tomato, onion, garlic, frozen shrimp, peas, garbanzo beans and Japanese spinach noodles. I calculated the cost of the dinner $1.24. This includes the meal I ate, plus I had enough for two frozen lunches for work. It was great! More on the cost of lunch soon.

1 comment:

Simply Life said...

I looove making good use out of leftovers- way to go!